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The Magician displays a brown paper bag. Inside of the bag is shown to be empty. He Then introduces five bills and drops those into the bag. Finally he produces five boxes made from bills from the bag.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The performer demonstrates the sharpness of the blade by cutting paper/object and then places the blade into their mouth. Swallowing the blades, showing his mouth empty. The performer places a piece of floss or yarn into their mouth. Pulling the string and showcasing the blades tied onto the string and it pulled out of the performers mouth.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

Les productions de parapluies sont depuis bien longtemps considérées comme surprenantes et élégantes. Malgré cette réputation, leur secret reste bien gardé.Modèle bleu vendu à l’unité.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

This professionally designed wooden box ; can produce 4 times and is performable in any show ;any place without any limits.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

The performer opens and waves a rainbow fan. He then hands it to a spectator, but the more he tries to open it, the more he can't because the fan keeps on breaking in many pieces. Only in the magician's hands the fan opens and waves.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Gustavo Raley)

With this effect, you will be able to separate two different portions of cereals when you have just mixed them !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Le magicien ouvre un éventail puis le referme avant de le confier au spectateur. Malheureusement celui-ci ne pourra pas s’en servir puisqu’il est cassé…Mais lorsque le magicien le reprend, il est instantanément réparé !!!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The Broken & Restored Fan is a classic comedy effect. The performer can easily open and close the fan but when the spectator tries, the fan blades just fall to pieces!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The Broken & Restored Fan is a classic comedy effect. The performer can easily open and close the fan but when the spectator tries, the fan blades just fall to pieces!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Sonny Fontana)

The bare hands soap bubble production! The magician shows his hands clearly empty. He blows and immediately produces a shower of soap bubbles from his hands.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

(George Iglesias)

Looking for a thrilling twist on a classic of magic? Candy Factory is made for you! Remarkable, it will have the power to captivate all audiences!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Adrian Carratala)

Enter the stage with a jar full of colorful candy and you're sure to win your audience's attention. The audience will be able to guess exactly how many candies are in the jar.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

En moins de temps qu’il ne faut pour le dire, transformez un éventail de cartes en un chapeau imprimé de cartes à jouer.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick

Starting with showing a empty carton, performer puts the carton on the table. He shows the empty carton. Then endless objects are produced from inside, such as spring flowers, folding flowers,etc. Or a small cup of instant noodles becomes to a big cup one when it goes through the carton.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Wu Boss)

Many magicians perform swallowing balloon everyday Do you imagine pull out a blown-up balloon from your mouth?

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Bill Abbott)

"I now know that Celebrity Smart Ass is the reason I created the Smart Ass concept in the first place. It's a perfect marriage of bulletproof method and commercial presentation. AND it's no longer a card trick anymore! Celebrity Smart Ass a permanent piece in my show...and now it can be for you too!" - Bill Abbott

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Bill Abbott)

"I now know that Celebrity Smart Ass is the reason I created the Smart Ass concept in the first place. It's a perfect marriage of bulletproof method and commercial presentation. AND it's no longer a card trick anymore! Celebrity Smart Ass a permanent piece in my show...and now it can be for you too!" - Bill Abbott

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Bill Abbott)

"I now know that Celebrity Smart Ass is the reason I created the Smart Ass concept in the first place. It's a perfect marriage of bulletproof method and commercial presentation. AND it's no longer a card trick anymore! Celebrity Smart Ass a permanent piece in my show...and now it can be for you too!" - Bill Abbott

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

A l'aide à ce chapeau magique, vous allez faire apparaître votre matériel de magie, des fleurs, des foulards... Ou pour changer des objets.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

The Fantasta (Square circle) is now available in a Chinese design, a lovely and original idea.A classic magic trick updated to amaze your audience.Medium version.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Looking for a trick that appeals to any types of audience, and even more by kids? A jumbo coin that disappears and appears wherever you want, and whenever you want! Very easy to perform!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

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