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Fire Magic

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Une torche enflammée disparait pour laisser place à une grande canne. Un capuchon spécial vous permettra de conserver le combustible longtemps et d'allumer la torche de manière automatique lorsque vous le retirerez. Vente Interdite aux mineurs. Vendu sans canne.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
This magic's trick sold in a set : Torche pour canne avec allumeur
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Une torche enflammée disparait pour laisser place à une grande canne. Un capuchon spécial vous permettra de conserver le combustible longtemps et d'allumer la torche de manière automatique lorsque vous le retirerez. Vente Interdite aux mineurs. Vendu avec canne apparition métal.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The magician holds out his hand at arm's length and suddenly a full-length evening cane appears in his hand!Good quality and nice color!This is the canne where it can be attached a torch.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
This magic's trick sold in a set : Appearing steel cane for torch (Black and White)
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The magician holds out his hand at arm's length and suddenly a full-length evening cane appears in his hand!Good quality and nice color!This is the canne where it can be attached a torch.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The magician holds out his hand at arm's length and suddenly a full-length evening cane appears in his hand!Good quality and nice color!This is the canne where it can be attached a torch.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The magician holds out his hand at arm's length and suddenly a full-length evening cane appears in his hand!Good quality and nice color!This is the canne where it can be attached a torch.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
This magic's trick sold in a set : Appearing steel cane for torch to cane
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Toujours très spectaculaire, le bras en feu est signée Tora. Glissez votre bras dans une boîte creuse et vide et sans que vous ne fassiez un geste la boîte s’enflamme.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Instantly produce a flame without a match or lighter! A large flaming torch completely vanishes and both hands are completely empty.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

The magician shows a candlestick to the audience with a candle in it. He lights the candle and then he takes the candle from the candlestick and makes it disappear. Now he takes the empty candlestick and in a magic movement the candle appears again in the candlestick.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Un effet très visuel et efficace. Vous tenez un magnifique pot dans la main, tout à coup, de celui-ci jaillissent des immenses flammes. Suite à ça, vous donnez un petit coup de baguette magique, et des flammes naissent instantanément une multitude de fleurs.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

When it comes to making a lasting impression no device or action is more memorable than FIRE! For example handing out your business card that moments before was on fire!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Amazing ! You will be able to make appear from the inside of that tube a lot of colorfull items as well as fire and water or wine ! You will never stop to make things appear...

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Vous allez montrer une boite totalement vide en passant votre main à l'intérieur et lorsque vous le désirerez, elle prendra feu, puis vous ferez apparaître un ensemble de fleurs suivit d'une liasse de billets... Pourtant la boite est transparent ce qui amplifie considérablement l'effet magique ! Billets et fleurs fournis avec la boite.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Voici un effet ultra visuel et facile à réaliser, idéal pour les amateurs de magie salon/scène ! Votre main sera enfermée dans un tube en trois parties, lorsque vous enlèverez la partie du milieu, une partie de votre bras va disparaitre alors que le public va voir votre main toujours clairement dépasser du tube !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

This is a professional quality double shooting magic wand. This SILVER Style wands has a SILVER middle and colored tips. You can choose the color of the tips what you want - Black and Gold . Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. Very easy to operate and works all the time. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

This is a professional quality double shooting magic wand. This BLUE Style wands has a BLUE middle and colored tips. You can choose the color of the tips what you want - Black, White, Gold, Silver. Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. Very easy to operate and works all the time. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

Our DeLuxe 2 Shot Magic Wand is beautifully hand crafted, using quality materials: anodized and painted aluminum and stainless steel. The caps wand twisted into our wand. At anytime during your performance , you can produce a bang or a bang and a flash - to really grab their attention, or make an impact.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Have you always wanted a fire book but thought they looked really fake and way too hokey? Have you ever wanted to open up a real book and have the flames come blazing out! Then slam the book shut and immediately open the book to show the pages unharmed! Now you can, this gimmick is the only one like it on the market. Transform any book you want into a blazing fire book, also known as a hot book.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

The magician goes on stage with a lighted candle held in his hand. He takes a scarf and, after having put the flame out with a blow, he covers the candle that will vanish.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

( Tora Magic)

Un livre prend feu dans vos mains. Vous le refermez brutalement ! Vous l'ouvrez de nouveau et deux colombes apparaissent (ou une canette de coca, ou autre objet)! De peur que cette fois un gros éléphant apparaisse, vous ouvrez le livre doucement et vous montrez un intérieur normal...

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

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