SCAANDAL (Adrian Vega)
You may think you've seen A Card At Any Number before, but you've never seen it like this. From the creative mind of Adrian Vega, comes A Card At Any Number so good, it's got to be criminal. This is SCAANDAL.
You may think you've seen A Card At Any Number before, but you've never seen it like this. From the creative mind of Adrian Vega, comes A Card At Any Number so good, it's got to be criminal. This is SCAANDAL.
The magician shows two coins; a half dollar and an english penny, and places them on a pad or tablecloth. He then waves his hand over them for but a second and uncovers them only to find one coin! When he lifts the pad/tablecloth, the english penny is revealed!!
Ils disaient que c’était impossible… alors Astor l’a fait ! Tours de scène, expériences de lévitation et phénomènes de transmission de pensée pour professionnels. L'auteur ne décrit dans cet ouvrage qu’une dizaine de routines. Chacune d’entre-elles est un petit chef-d’œuvre.
Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.
A brand NEW collection of extraordinary moments with a 100% ordinary Sharpie marker!
Ce livre est composé de deux parties : une première consacrée à la manipulation de cartes, et la seconde aux anneaux chinois.
Après s'être fait bander les yeux par un spectateur, le magicien va se déplacer normalement comme s'il sentait tout obstacle autour de lui rien que par sa concentration. Il sera capable de deviner différents objets que choisit un spectateur, ou bien de viser un cible quelconque avec un objet. C'est impressionnant !
A magnificent deck inspired by the legendary Sembras family tequila distillery in Santa Rosa. On the tuck box, traditional motifs with an aura of magic surround the distillery, not forgetting the factory seal, which is also highlighted in gold foil!
The future of modern magic. Make a coin or ring vanish and reappear inside a GPS device. Magic of tomorrow, today.
LIMITED EDITION: Only 2500 printed! Black and white always exist in both Eastern and Western philosophy in a contrary way. There is hope in despair, dawn in the dusk, and light in shadow.
This is the complete collection of Jack kent Tillar's telephone, fax, and email routines.
Conceived by Gianfranco Preverino, known as the Italian leading expert in gambling, this deck reflects the two passions of its author: card sharping and music.
Encore de l’originalité chez Bicycle avec cette carte Tiger à l'indice brisé.
Encore de l’originalité chez Bicycle avec cette carte à l'indice brisé. Dos Black Tiger.
Coquille non-expansée de deux euros aimantable. Cette coquille non-expansée recouvre parfaitement une pièce plus petite.Le truquage est tellement fin que mises à coté, vos spectateurs ne verront pas la différence entre la vraie pièce et la coquille. Coquille coté Pile.
Coquille non-expansée de 50 cts euros aimantable. Cette coquille non-expansée recouvre parfaitement une pièce plus petite.Le truquage est tellement fin que mises à coté, vos spectateurs ne verront pas la différence entre la vraie pièce et la coquille. Coquille coté Pile.
Shito Museum Deck is designed by a special and talented magician whose name is Zee J. Yan.According to the concept of "art exhibits in the museum", Zee makes an extremely simple and elegant tuck box (the paper of the card box will be very special, and you can feel the difference when you hold it). The back of the card is fully customized and designed in two directions. LIMITED EDITION: Only 1000 printed! Will NOT be reprinted.
As magicians we forget magic is not for us. It's to leave our audience with a feeling or memory of something truly impossible... That's what the Shooting Star does.
Une verre plein de liquide apparaît dans la poche vide du Magicien. La boisson est bue par le spectateur... qui peut attester que c'est bien celle qu'il a choisie parmi plus d'une centaine !!!
Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.
A spectacular escape that you present as a ordeal of strong. Unbelievable for your audience but very easy to do.
Choose your color. Make blaze your effects of color ! Dimensions : 30 cm of with dimensions . 100% silk.