The first volume - first episode of the Magic DVD magazine presents interviews, effect performances and explanations.
Let’s see:
Paul Harris…talks impromptu about
Technology mastery and astonishment
"Try This At Home"… with Garrett Thomas
This episode Garrett looks at the fake take
"Off The Shelf"…
Features John Lovick's new hundred dollar bill switch book "Switched"
Andrew Pinard's Continuum…
A look at those who influence magic from the past, the present, and the future - this instalment is Harry Lorayne on Memory and Magic
Tricks Of The Trade…with David Regal
A hilarious look at four effects that are new on the market
"Choice Cuts"…
Magic.about.com's Wayne Kawamoto looks at the world of DVD's
Plus bonus material, performances, and explanations…
- John Lovick's $100 bill switch
- Dan Tongs Chop Cup routine
- Potassys bill to potato
Language: English, Running Time: 2h00