History Of American Innovation Playing Cards
The History of American Innovation Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about many great inventions that were created by Americans.
The History of American Innovation Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about many great inventions that were created by Americans.
The History of the Russian Revolution Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about the rise of the Bolshevik party and the fall of the Romanov family.
The History of Aviation Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about many great men and women who were pioneers of early aviation.
The History of New York City Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about some of the most iconic buildings in New York City.
The History of the Russian Revolution Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about the rise of the Bolshevik party and the fall of the Romanov family.
The History of the American & Soviet Space Race Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about great achievements that both the United States and the Soviet Union had while exploring space.
Discover the history of Titanic with this streamlined history book within a deck of playing cards. This unique product acts as a history book while at the same time is functional as a deck of standard playing cards. The deck consists of 56 cards (52 standsard cards and 4 jokers). Each card will explore a piece of the history of Titanic.
The History of Washington DC Playing Cards, are designed to entertain and educate the entire family. While playing, you'll learn about the design and construction of the nation's capital. You'll also learn about many historic events that have taken place in Washington DC.
You'll enjoy five tantalizing stories that will share elements of magic's history that you almost certainly have not heard before.
Gimmick cards have long helped magicians easily achieve incredible effects that are usually only possible after years of practice with difficult manipulation techniques.
Sebastien Calbry's creativity, associated with professional magician Thibault Surest's high standards, both led to the creation of this pure jewel. All you need is to see your spectators' reactions when they see a card rising in the air, between 2 other cards, and slowly change!
Ce tour de Dominique Duvivier en séduira plus d’un…il va vous permettre de bluffler votre public et les joueurs de poker, de façon très simple, puisqu’il ne nécessite aucune manipulation particulière.
Un effet très visuel où le spectateur va réaliser la magie par lui-même ! Une carte signée va traverser deux cartes reliées entre elles par une gommette autocollante également signée !
Amazing! Four holes in the corners of a card that suddenly move to the centre of it and disappear completely at the end? Visual effect guaranteed!
Vous allez montrer une boite totalement vide en passant votre main à l’intérieur et lorsque vous le désirerez, vous ferez apparaître ce que vous souhaitez. En plus, cette version trouée persuade d'autant plus les spectateurs du fait que la boite est parfaitement vide au départ !
The legendary Holely is back AND BEYOND. This set cotains BOTH Original Holely AND Beyond Holely disk sets with according props. Move a hole on a working credit card or any borrowed and unprepared bills, newspaper, or even onto a water bottle!
You show a karate headband, which you start wearing. Because of this headband, you tell them, you receive special magician powers. When you hit the deck of cards with your fist, you cut the observer's card in two and shoot it in the air.
After years of waiting, an icon has finally been reborn. Vanishing Inc. and Guy Hollingworth present a new and improved version of one of the most beloved games ever produced. The Hollingworth (Burgundy) Game is finally here.
After years of waiting, an icon has finally been reborn. Vanishing Inc. and Guy Hollingworth present a new and improved version of one of the most beloved games ever produced. The Hollingworth (Emerald) Game is finally here.
The famous trick from Menny Lindenfeld After having perforated a signed card, you will be able to move the hole several times on the card to finally vanish it.
Ce Clap est la réplique réduite d’un vrai clapper de cinéma. Idéal pour ajouter une touche d’humour à vos vidéos ou même dans votre spectacle si le thème vous le permet.
The goal of this game was to create a game that would pay homage to the style and history of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California, while celebrating a new modern era. The result is an exquisite blend of elegance and class.
Hologram c'est juste ENORME ! Le spectateur choisi librement une carte qui est "marquée" au dos à l'aide d'une gommette jaune. Vous perdez la carte dans le jeu et expliquez qu'elle va remonter à vue au dessus du jeu. Grâce à la gommette, on pourra la voir remonter sur le jeu de manière ultra visuelle !
Homebound is an updated version if you will of Peter's original Exit effect. It's simple, easy, elegant and super smooth but most of all truly astonishing.
A playful version of classic playing cards by Homestuck, with art by NightMargin. This deck features the Midnight Crew members: Spades Slick, Hearts Boxcars, Diamonds Droog, and Clubs Deuce.